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How to Become a Foster Caregiver

How to become a foster caregiver with Family & Children’s Service of Guelph and Wellington County (FCSGW)

  1. Attend an Information session
  2. Fill out an on-line application
  3. Attend training
  4. Meet with a Foster & Adopt worker to complete a home study

To become a foster caregiver with FCSGW, you will need to complete a standardized assessment (called a home study) with our team. The standardized assessment also includes obtaining references, completing a police record check and a medical report, as well as other documentation. When we are completing your assessment, we meet with you to talk about your strengths and challenges you may have overcome and how these may make you a great caregiver for children that FCSGW is working with that may need temporary care.

You will also need to attend or complete 30 hours of online training prior to being approved (called PRIDE training) as well as other required training such as Indigenous Learning, Trauma and Attachment, cultural competency training and First Aid.

Mother and daughter in the forest

Support and training for foster caregivers

Once you are approved as a foster caregiver or family with FCSGW, you are assigned an agency worker who directly supports you in your journey.  This worker will support you and/or your family when you have a child or youth placed with you and will let you know about any training that might be available.

If you are fostering a child, you will receive a daily, non-taxable reimbursement for the living expenses of each child or youth placed in your home.  Many other expenses are also covered such as clothing, and medical and dental costs.

Why become a foster caregiver?

  • To want to provide children and youth with stability, warmth, understanding and structure
  • To work together with birth families, extended families and FCSGW workers
  • To commit to children and youth as long as it’s needed
  • To want to make a difference and be a lifelong influence for a child or youth
  • To be warm, compassionate, empathetic and accepting and to embrace difference and diversity
  • To have a willingness to learn how to meet the needs of children and youth who have experienced loss and trauma

Who can be a foster caregiver?

We are currently accepting applications for foster caregivers who can foster and meet the diverse identity needs of children, youth and sibling groups as there is an urgent need in Guelph & Wellington County.

Contact Us

We are currently accepting applications for foster parents who can foster children and youth aged 0 – 18 as there is an urgent need in Guelph & Wellington County.

A Foster and Adoption worker can talk with you about your current situation to see if you are ready to move forward with your application. We look forward to meeting you!

For more information about fostering with FCSGW, please call 519-824-2410 or 1-800-265-8300 and ask to speak to a Foster & Adopt Inquiry worker, or email us at

Adoption and/or Fostering Application Form:

Adoption / Foster Application

Step 1 of 10

Applicant One

Full Legal Name(Required)
Date of Birth