This page is specific to adoption. Alternatively, you can find information on fostering or adopting and fostering.
What is adoption?
Adoption is the legal process that gives children and youth a permanent, loving relationship with a new family when their birth families are unable to care for them. Adoption is intended to provide children and youth with the stability and lifelong security that comes from a permanent home.
Things to consider about adoption:
It’s all about the match. The needs of the child come first, and a successful match takes place when a family is found that possesses all the skills and characteristics that can provide for the child’s needs.
You don’t have to be rich to adopt. You just need to be sure that you can meet the needs of the child(ren). Children’s Aid Societies (CASs) do not charge fees for the home studies, the training, or the adoption service. There are also supports and subsidies available for families who adopt. You can learn more about the kinds of supports and subsidies available for adoptive families here.
Every child is unique. And because of this, every adoption will be unique. One thing that each child has in common is the need for a forever family.
It takes time. The process to find the right match, have a home study done, and complete the training can take time. The time it takes to go through the adoption process also varies depending on the needs and situation of the child.
Please note that we will not be accepting applications for adoption of children 0-10 as we currently have many approved families looking to adopt in this age range. We also do not accept applications from other Regions as we provide services for residents of Guelph and Wellington County. Please contact your local Children’s Aid to see what services they provide.
We are looking for adoptive applicants that are interested in adopting children older than 10 and for sibling groups for children that include children 10+.
The Adoption Process:
Adoption applicants must complete the following requirements:
- Complete a SAFE (Structured Analysis, Family Evaluation) home study.
- Complete PRIDE (Parent Resources for Information, Development, and Education) pre-service.
SAFE is a standardized assessment model for all Ontarians interested in kinship care, fostering or adoption. This home study includes:
- application
- home safety checklist and questionnaires
- medical report, police and child welfare clearances, and references
These studies can take from 6 months to a year and are generally valid for up to 2 years
PRIDE pre-service is a 9-module (30-hour) in class and online training program used to prepare and educate families interested in kinship care, fostering and adoption. The PRIDE curriculum includes:
- adoption and child welfare systems, processes and laws
- attachment and loss
- child development and issues specific to the needs of adopted children
- the effects of neglect, lack of stimulation, abuse and institutionalization on children
- identity formation and the importance of cultural and racial awareness
- the importance of connections and continuity for children
This training can be completed through us for free or a private trainer for a fee. Please contact us for information on upcoming programs.
Ready to become an adoptive parent?
If you think you’re ready to become an adoptive parent, here’s how:
- Fill out an online application
- Come to an info session
- Attend training
- Meet with a Adoption Worker to perform a home study.
To learn more or to register for an info session, call or email a Foster & Adopt worker at 519-824-2410 or FosterandAdopt@fcsgw.org.
For more information about adoptions in Ontario please visit the adoption page on the Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies website here.