Duty to Report

As a Children’s Aid Society it is our legal duty to protect children and youth from abuse and neglect. Successful protection of children and youth requires the participation of the community, and as a member of the community it is your legal responsibility to report any suspected abuse or neglect.
Foster families are caring families who can give children and youth who are unable to live with their own families stability, warmth, understanding, consistency, and structure.


“Leland couldn’t stop talking about what a wonderful time he had with you today. He loves spending time with you and its amazing to see what a positive impact you are having in his life. Thank you for being such a great role model.”
– Leland’s Mother
Children First Fund
“One of the hardest parts about growing up was the thought that no one believed in me. The help I received from the Education Support Program showed me that people did believe in me, and gave me the support I needed to help me succeed.” – Children First Fund recipient